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Mark your Calendar NOW

Holy Week 2023


Sunday, March 24: Palm Sunday

               9:00 am Worship, in-person and online

               10:00 am Downtown Celebration at the

                Walking Mall (at the Historic Courthouse)​

Thursday, March 28: Maundy Thursday

                Joint Worship - 7:00 pm at Greenwood


Friday, April 15: Good Friday

          5:00-7:00 pm  - SELF-GUIDED "Stations of the Cross" 

                 At the Cunningham family field

                 (1366 Greenwood Road, Winchester)

                 You will journey through the Christ's passion. 

                 The trail is open at 5-7pm, and you can travel

                 at your own pace. 

                 Communion elements are available. 


Invite your friends as we journey the Holy Week together. 

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